EPBI 415: Statistical Programming
(Spring 2014)
Instructor (up to Feb. 26th): Tomas Radivoyevitch, Ph.D., Assistant
Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Medicine,
Case Western Reserve University
Tel: 216-368-1965; Fax: 216-368-1969; e-mail: txr24@case.edu
Course website: http://epbi-radivot.cwru.edu/EPBI415
First Course in Statistical Programming with R, W. J. Braun and D. J. Murdoch, 2007.
Solutions to some exercises &
examples, http://www.stats.uwo.ca/faculty/braun/statprog/
Art of R Programming: a tour of statistical software design, by Norman Matloff,
Files: http://epbi-radivot.cwru.edu/EPBI415/files14
Meeting Place and Times: WG-73, Mondays and Wednesdays, 10:00 AM to 11:15 AM.
Computer Laboratory: WG-63
Office Hours: By appointment
Grading: 25% homework (due at midnight on Mondays), 25% Midterm. The rest
is TBA.
Links: (R)
Course Description: Programming
with R, this course emphasizes sound practices and numerical methods commonly used
in statistical science. R is a high-level, open-source platform now vital in
statistical computing, especially for creating and sharing applications that
implement new and customized methods. Topics include effective programming
style and structure, R for customized graphics, and Monte Carlo simulation. Previous
experience in R is advised.
Week 1, Jan. 13 & 15: RStudio; vectors (ch 2 Matloff; ch 2 Braun &
Week 2, Jan. 22: matrices, arrays (ch 3 Matloff; ch
6 Braun & Murdoch)
Week 3, Jan. 27 & 29: lists, dataframes,
factors (ch 4, 5 & 6 Matloff;
ch 2 Braun & Murdoch)
Week 4, Feb. 3 & 5: Programming: Flow control (for, if, while,
repeat), functions, debugging (ch 7, 13 Matloff; ch 4 Braun &
Week 5, Feb 10 & 12: base graphics
(ch 12 Matloff; ch 3 Braun & Murdoch), ggplot2
Week 6, Feb 17 & 19: Simulation.
Rejection & importance sampling (ch 8 Matloff; ch 5 B&M)
Week 7, Feb 24 (mid-term) & 26 (go over
Other Instructor takes over.
Weeks 8-15, TBA: e.g. Newton-Raphson (ch 7 Braun &
Murdoch), bbmle, R packaging; S3 & S4 classes and
methods (ch 9 Matloff);
XML; Interface to C (ch 15 Matloff);
R as backend of website; R Markdown
Mar 10 & 11 = Spring Break (no class), Apr 27th = last class