DATA FRAME OUTPUT (LISTS TOO) Let's run this: <%% data(iris) %%> <% data(iris) %> Let's look at some R output: If we say this: <%% head(iris) %%> the output is this: <% head(iris) %> nothing right? if we say this: <%%= head(iris) %%> it's an error because cat() cannot handle lists. But if we say this: <%% print(head(iris)) %%> the output is this: <% print(head(iris)) %> VECTOR OUTPUT We'll work with v: <%% v <- head(iris)$Sepal.Length %%> <% v <- head(iris)$Sepal.Length %> If we say this: <%%= v %%> the output is this: <%= v %> because 'cat()' coerces v to a character vector How about <%%= v > 5 %%> <%= v > 5 %> So cat() can deal with any vector And if we say this: <%% print(v) %%> the output is: <% print(v) %>