This package contains codes that setup SEER data use with R. It includes SEER and Japanese A-Bomb survivor data analysis examples. Version numbers reflect the latest SEER release that it was tested on. For example, 2015.2 is the second version of SEERaBomb known to work with the SEER data release of 2015.
SEERaBomb is maintained on github. You can install the current github version using:
install.packages("devtools") #if it isn't already installed
As a backup to this github/devtools approach, every ~6 months I will produce a windows SEERaBomb binary and make it available via:
install.packages(c("LaF","RSQLite","dplyr","XLConnect","Rcpp","rgl","reshape2","mgcv","DBI","bbmle")) # first get dependencies from CRAN
install.packages("SEERaBomb",repos="") #need line above since only SEERaBomb is in my repos
Finally, once each year, after testing it against the most recent SEER data release (typically in April-May), I will upload SEERaBomb to CRAN. The CRAN version should be stable. It can be installed via:
If important bugs are reported I will fix and update the CRAN version, otherwise, to install new versions with minor bug fixes and/or new features, please use one of the other approaches. I will try to assure that the CRAN version works on windows, mac and ubuntu.
After installation SEERaBomb help pages can be reached by: library(SEERaBomb);help(pack="SEERaBomb")

SEERaBomb's main function, mkSEER, merges all three of the SEER databases. This is particularly important for studies of MDS because SEER began to track it only in 2001, so the 1973 and 2000 SEER databases include similar numbers of MDS cases. SEERaBomb is currently being developed to have new features for assessing the kinetics of risks of second cancers after treatments of first cancers.